I will start this post by letting you know that I am VERY proud and thrilled to be able to call some of my clients very close friends and when I continue my photography relationship with them throughout births, family photographs etc., I honestly jump up and down like a 3 year old on Christmas Day!

This shoot has been without a doubt one of the highlights of my photography career as far as enjoyment and fulfillment.

Here is a brief back story. I first met Jess and John last year and had the opportunity to shoot their wedding – a GREAT day! Right after the wedding they moved to the Marine Base at Twenty Nine Palms in California. Jess became pregnant and shortly afterwards, John was deployed a second time to Afghanistan. He was due to return in September and while I was recently in Ohio, I met with Jess, her parents and her newborn son. John had seen Gabe’s birth through the awesomeness that is Skype but had not yet physically met him. Jess and I discussed this and it was decided that they would fly me out to Twenty Nine Palms and capture their first meeting.

I admit. I squealed with delight.

Anyway, three weeks later, there I was. I captured Jess and Gabe’s life before John came home, the DAY he came home and then got some very cute FIRST family photos. Them letting me into their life and capturing their first few moments as a family together meant more to me than I can possibly explain in this post. I was fortunate to stay a week or so and during this time had the opportunity to do a few other photoshoots of Marine families – they will appear at a later date.

I mean it when I say this. I have the BEST. JOB. EVER. and the best clients and friends ever.


John loves sailing and as such, Gabe’s room is filled with sailing detailed bits and bobs.

It’s harder than you think painting the feet of a baby and planting them down for footprints 😉

The buses pull up and it’s the moment they’ve all been waiting for……

I would say that this is one happy little chap that now has his Daddy home wouldn’t you?

Thank you Jess and John for being so amazing as clients and friends. I appreciate it so very much!

13 thoughts on “The Urban Family Homecoming, Twenty Nine Palms, CA

  1. These photographs are ridicilously amazing and yes, how lucky are you that you get to travel and take photographs of families like this. Congratulations all around.

  2. These are some really fantastic photographs Andrea – I bet they are thrilled with them. Congratulations to John on arriving home safely.

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